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목록2024/10 (9)

https://github.com/ GitHub · Build and ship software on a single, collaborative platformJoin the world's most widely adopted, AI-powered developer platform where millions of developers, businesses, and the largest open source community build software that advances humanity.github.com Token 발급Settings > Developer > Personal access tokens > tokens Spring Commit & Push 프로젝트 우클릭 > Team > Share P..

package com.example.demo;import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;@Controllerpublic class HelloController { @GetMapping("/hello") public String hello() { return "a"; }}∆ ∇ 같은 의미@WebServlet("/hello")public class FrontServlet extends HttpServlet{ void doget(request,response) { String s = this.hello(reqeust,response); RequestDisp..

동적 language- type이 정해지지 X- Gradle/Maven/자바스크립트-JSON - Gradle -- xml /Groovy / Kotlin - Groovy > Maven.. : 프로젝트마다 개별 tomcat, tomcat 설정할 필요XX정적 language- JAVA Group id + Artifact + Package => 3단 구성* Developer Tools: 개발하기 편하게 해줌 - Lombok: getter,setter 따로 만들 필요 없게 해줌 -> 프로젝트도 따로 설정해야함 - Spring - DI: new 연산자 XX - AOP: Transaction, 다른 매소드가 할일 가로챔* SQL - JDBC API : 기본 API - Sp..

2024/10/24p1게시글 수정 시 내용을 입력하지 않았을 때에러메세지를 표시되게 설정했는데404 오류가 뜸 UpdateArticleServlet.javapackage controller;@WebServlet("/board/updateArticle")public class UpdateArticleServlet extends HttpServlet{ // -> V: /board/updateArticle.jsp @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // 폼 HttpSession session = request.get..

2024/10/23p1댓글 삭제BoardCommentDao.javapublic class BoardCommentDao { public int deleteComment(Connection conn, int commentNo,int articleNo) throws Exception { int row=0; String sql = "delete from board_comment where comment_no=? and article_no=?"; PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, commentNo); stmt.setInt(2, articleNo); row = stmt.executeUpdate(); return ro..

2024/10/23p1댓글 입력 BoardCommentDao.javapublic int insertComment(Connection conn, BoardComment bc) throws Exception { int row=0; String sql = """ insert into board_comment( article_no articleNo , member_id memberId , comment , createdate ) values (?,?,?,now()) """; PreparedStatement stmt = conn.pr..

2024/10/23P1글 입력이 되지않고 빈 화면이 나옴java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'vlaues (7,'board','0dcb492f1544495d84dafeb466551c80','sql',now())' at line 3콘솔창 확인public int insertFile(Connection conn, BoardFile bf) throws Exception { int row = 0; String sql = """ insert i..